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ELIOT at VIII International Seminar on Biopolymers and Sustainable Composites
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ELIOT questionnaire

Please, help us to know the perception of companies about biocomposites and their introduction in the transport industry. Let us know your opinion about EoL methods for the recovery of biocomposites and related final applications.

Please fill in the questionnaire.

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ELIOT at Advanced Recycling Conference
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ELIOT at VI Day on Plastics and Circular Economy
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Become a stakeholder

The ELIOT team is looking for stakeholders interested in the results of the project. Are you a company from the composites value chain? We are looking for waste managers, recyclers, end users in different sectors, as well as policymakers, sectoral associations and other relevant bodies. The ELIOT solutions might generate additional market opportunities for your business. As a stakeholder, you will be invited to workshops to promote the project findings. The workshop will offer the chance to come into discussion with researchers and relevant industry stakeholders.

You can become a stakeholder in the following link.


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Next steps

The biocomposites manufactured by AIMPLAS will be adapted to the needs of each specific EoL method to be tested. The adaptation entails the treating of biocomposites by grinding or adjusting the size or shape of biocomposites to each EoL technology. As a result, a report on the materials, methods and results from the experimental analysis conducted at laboratory scale for each selected EoL method will be prepared. Special attention will be also given to the scalability of each EoL method tested. Accordingly, the report will present the main results of the study of up-scaling factors, including results from a simplified techno-economic analysis and streamlined Life Cycle Assesment.

Among the EoL methods validated at laboratory scale, those showing the best results in terms of potential scalability will be demonstrated at a larger scale. The demonstration will involve the testing of each EoL method at pre-industrial scale using the pilot plants of TNO and AIMPLAS. A full techno-economic analysis and LCA will be conducted to demonstrate the representativeness and reliability of the results obtained at a production level closer to industrial scale. The environmental impacts of the new EoL methods will be compared to the impacts of current treatment routes for composite waste (incineration and landfill) in order to calculate the environmental savings that can be achieved with the project. The red box of Figure 1 shows the activities in which the research organizations will be working in the second part of the project: the experimental work at laboratory level and demonstrations at preindustrial scale using real biocomposite parts. In addition, the evaluation and decision-making processes in the project will be driven and supported by techno-economic analysis and LCA.

Figure 2. Work to be performed in the second part of the project.

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ELIOT status update

As described in the last newsletter (December 2021), from a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), project members were able to select and confirm the four promising End of Life (EoL) methods for the six bio-composites selected: dissolution, solvolysis, mechanical recycling and pyrolysis. These EoL technologies have been evaluated through laboratory testing in the final period of the project.

Figure 1. Pyrolysis at laboratory scale in Eliot project: equipment used (upper left); liquids, waxes and solids obtained after the pyrolysis (upper rigth and lower)

Figure 2. Laboratory equipment used for the solvolysis tests: backflow system (left), reactor (centre) and distillation system (right)

Figure 3. Experimental equipment used for preliminary dissolution tests at laboratory scale

With regard to the preparation of samples for the evaluation of EoL technologies at laboratory scale, six different samples of biocomposites were prepared from three fibres (flax, carbon and basalt) and two bio-based resins (epoxy and polyfurfuryl-alcohol). Prior to processing, the samples were grinded at two sizes to evaluate the influence of particle size on the results obtained from selected EoL methods.

Figure 4. Pictures taken from grinded biocomposites

To assess and rank the best EoL technologies for the recovery of selected biocomposites, the output products generated from these processes have been characterised in terms of yield (output producto/input waste), composition, purity, quality, etc.

In parallel to this study, a simplified techno-economic analysis and streamlined LCA have been performed to determine the up-scaling potential of different EoL methods

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ELIOT, present in Ecochemical Solutions show in Valencia

The leaflet of the project was available at the AIMPLAS stand in Ecochemical Solutions Show held in October in Valencia. This is a new exhibition space in which the chemical sector shows its latest strategies regarding the environment, with the firm objective of making visible what the chemical industry contributes to the circular economy and identifying the actors of the chemical industry that lead the so-called 'European Green Pact or Green Deal' through its different innovation strategies and environmental policies.

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ELIOT at Eco Chemicals Solutions Show
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ELIOT at SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting
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ELIOT at 12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for Opening New Horizons"
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ELIOT at XVI National Congress of Materials CNMAT 2022 held in Spain

The brochure of the project was available at the AIMPLAS stand during the XVI National Congress of Materials CNMAT 2022 held in Spain. With around 400 participants, the researchers presented papers on the latest advances in processing, properties, characterization and behavior of materials with applications in multiple technological fields; structural and functional materials, sustainable materials, materials for ICTs, energy, health or construction, among many others.

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ELIOT at PRS Europe 2022

The Plastics Recycling Show is a pan-European, free-to-attend exhibition, conference and awards designed specifically for plastics recycling professionals. It brings together key players from the plastics and recycling sectors to showcase innovative technology, share best practice, network and do business. The annual event is organised by Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) and took place at RAI, Amsterdam in the Netherlands 22-23 June 2022. AIMPLAS presented the ELIOT project at its stand at this event. 

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ELIOT at ECCM Composites Meet Sustainability
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ELIOT organized its first workshop at the I International Seminar on Plastics Recycling

ELIOT has successfully organized a workshop at the I International Seminar on Plastics Recycling. The Seminar was held at the Valencian Business Chamber and School of Business Administration Lluís Vives (Valencia, Spain), and organized by AIMPLAS, project Eliot`s consortium member. As part of the workshop, Nora Lardiés Miazza, researcher of AIMPLAS`s Chemical Recycling Group, presented the project with the lecture "End of Life Solutions for Biomaterials".

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Eliot at ISWA World Congress

Dr. Nora Lardies Miazza, Researcher from AIMPLAS, presented at the ISWA World Congress the paper "End of Life Solutions for Biomaterials (Eliot Project)", from the authors Dr. Nora Lardiés Miazza, Adrián Morales and Dr. Pablo Ferrero, from AIMPLAS, and Rajesh Mehta from TNO.

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Eliot Poster presented at AMI Chemycal Recycling 2021

The second edition of the Chemical Recycling conference explored the advances in chemical recycling technologies and their integration into the supply chain. This event brought together representatives from all areas of the plastics industry to explore and discuss the developments in this fast moving sector.

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Eliot, present at the RECOTRANS Final Conference: Shifting towards advanced, digital and greener technologies

PhD Nora Lardiés Miazza, project Eliot`s R&D Researcher from AIMPLAS, participated in the technical session "Eco-innovative solutions for composite recycling", at the RECOTRANS Final Conference: Shifting towards advanced, digital and greener technologies.

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Eliot presentation at LCM 2021

Rajesh Mehta1, Nora Lardiés Miazza, Toon van Harmelen, and Pablo Ferrero Aguar, researchers from TNO and AIMPLAS, presented the paper "Evaluating circularity potential of various recycling technologies for biocomposites waste from the aircraft industry" at LCM 2021 (The 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management).

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12th month meeting

We have successfully celebrated the 12th month meeting: Experimental proof of concept of the best candidates.

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Review of the Eliot MCDA results

Last thursday, 8th of July, took place the webinar for the review of the Eliot MCDA results. In the webinar participants were informed about the results obtained from the MCDA analysis performed within the Eliot project. These results will be useful to select the best promising waste treatment technologies for biocomposites recycling/ recovery.

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Designing novel manufacturing and recycling systems for vehicles, railways and the aircraft industry

Projects RECOTRANS, ELIOT, JOSPEL and SPARTA are all european projects with a common edge: sustainable mobility. The four projects present a common video.

You can see the video clicking here

The transport sector plays a critical role in the European economy and society in terms of employment, growth and mobility. Recotrans, Sparta, Jospel and Eliot are four European funded projects that address air/ground transport sector manufacturing with a focus on market factors like time-to-market, cost and energy consumption and advanced recycling solutions to reduce the environmental impact and the carbon footprint.

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Eliot in CONAMA 2021

Eliot presented its Poster at CONAMA, Environment National Congress, at Madrid, Spain.

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Composites for a greener and more efective transport Industry

Projects RECOTRANS, ELIOT, JOSPEL and SPARTA are all european projects with a common edge: sustainable mobility. The four projects present a common poster,

Around 10 million people are actively employed in the field and transport, which accounts for 5% of the entire EU GDP. A streamlined, safe, sustainable and connected transport system is vital for Europe and its ambition to achieve concrete decarbonisation and the green transition through tehnological innovations.

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Eliot`s webinar for consultations celebrated successfully

We have successfully celebrated project Eliot`s Webinar for Consultations The aim was to consult both AIMPLAS and TNO experts, the ecoTECH team and stakeholders of interest for the definition and weighting of the evaluation criteria to be performed within the Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Along with AIMPLAS and TNO, several other companies and institutions participated and showed their interest such as University of Patras, INVENT, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Dassault, Altran and Fraunhofer. We want to thank all the attendees. The MCDA will be used to evaluate, compare and rank the EoL methods defined in WP3 for the target biocomposites.

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Webinar for Consultations

On May 10 will be held a Webinar for Consultations The aim is to consult both AIMPLAS and TNO experts, the ecoTECH team and stakeholders of interest for the definition and weighting of the evaluation criteria to be performed within the Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). The MCDA will be used to evaluate, compare and rank the EoL methods defined in WP3 for the target biocomposites. Become a stakeholder and participate following this link: https://project-eliot.eu/stakeholders.php

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Eliot presented at University Carlos III of Madrid

On March 24 and 25 took place the conference "Clean Sky 2 technology progress - contribution to the environmental performance of the next generation of aircraft", organized by University Carlos III of Madrid. At the event, Nora Lardies Miazza, from AIMPLAS, presented the latest developments of the ELIOT project. More information of the event available at: https://eventos.uc3m.es/61034/programme/clean-sky-2-technology-progress-n-contribution-to-the-environmental-performance-of-the-next-generat.html

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6th Month Meeting

We have successfully celebrated the 6th month meeting: Development of mechanical, thermal, chemical and biological EoL concepts for biobased composites.

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Participation in Clean Sky 2 technology progress contribution to the environmental performanceof the next generation of aircraft event (online event)

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Eliot Leaflet

Eliot presents its leaflet. Here you can find the problem the project addresses, why it is important to solve this problem, and the different approaches of the project to find solutions. You can also find information about the consortium in charge of the project.

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Kick-off Meeting

Dates: 7th July 2020
Location: Online

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ELIOT at Plastics Recycling Show Europe
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ELIOT at the Clean Aviation Annual Forum (CS2-Programme Coordination (CAJU))
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme for the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative under grant agreement No 886416.